Without the help and backing from our sponsors, this expedition simply could not happen. Please take the time to visit
their websites:
Waterproof Cases and bags for Cameras, iPhone, iPad, iPod, mobile phones, laptops and more http://store.aquapac.net/ Killary Adventure Co is based in Leenane, Co. Galway and is an outdooradventure centre that caters for adults and youths from age 8 to 80, including School Tours andSummer Camps along with a wide range of outdoor activities. We have been in operation in Ireland for over 30 years.Killary Adventure Co is based in Leenane, Co. Galway and is an outdoor adventure centre that caters for adults and youths from age 8 to 80, including School Tours andSummer Camps along with a wide range of outdoor activities. We have been in operation in Ireland for over 30 years. http://www.killaryadventure.com/ PeakUk- Have very kindly agreed to give us heavily discounted dry suits and safety gear. We will be testing it over the trip and providing feedback to them on the garments. Having sponsored Ali Donald on previous expeditions around the world they are excited to follow him into his latest trip and also to bring in some new blood in the rest of the kayakers. http://www.peakuk.com/
P&H kayaks- Again they have come onboard with the offer of some heavily discounted scorpio sea kayaks. Good solid plastic boats with plenty of room for sotrage and a robust build that should be able to hold up to everything that the Greenlandic coast can throw at us.http://www.phseakayaks.com/ kindly donating some food http://www.bwg.ie/
Again kindly donating canned goods which come recommend from our friends on Northabout http://www.marksandspencer.ie